Guess what arrived and made everything 10 times better???? Check this out:

It's a baby bonsai tree!!!!!! How cute is that?!?!? I've wanted to try bonsai trees for years, and never quite got to it or chanced giving it a try. Eugenie sent me one in the mail as a surprise! Now that I'm on the other side of my first interview (more to follow on that), I've finally had a chance to try repotting the tree, a juniper. But just knowing it was waiting for me at home kept me thinking positive, happy thoughts so it was easier to relax. When i get too stressed out from being around people, hanging out quietly around plants is the best cure. I only wish I could have carried it with me alllll day!

So far I've just been referring to the newest member of my family (it has lots of plant brothers and sisters, if not in a phylogenetic sense) as "tree", but it really needs a name. Any suggestions? Ideas I've had already include
- Ernie
- Juno
- Jenny
- Steve
- Glenn
- Bassie
Isn't Eugenie the best???? :-D
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