Thursday, February 19, 2009

Leave me alone - I just want to do science!!!

Woke up this am early, pumped to tackle some new approaches to one of my problems, and fired up with energy from yesterday's excursion into mathematics.

Got to work, checked my email (mistake number 1).  Several emails came in from prospective grad school advisers, one of which is stressing me out.  He's asked me to give him a list of 5-7 projects I envision I would work on with him at that school, with descriptions.  By the end of the weekend.  A weekend that I'm going to be spending away at another interview, although one that sounds like it might be more low-key.  *fingers crossed*

Also in the email, I've been asked where his institution ranks on my list of places I want to go.  This is just an awful question to ask a prospective student.  I mean, I can understand why he has (young faculty member, needs good students, on a time crunch, lots of competition).  But still.  I'm obviously not sold on this place, but I don't know that so far I like anywhere else any better.  Responding is going to be quite unpleasant, trying to be diplomatic/honest/but not completely.  All of the programs I've applied to are pretty different, so it's not like I can just take all of these, put them in a list based on prestige or monetary support and have an obvious choice.  Argle.  I think in his case, his persistence is probably not going to be helpful to him if he wants me as a student, but maybe he doesn't care.

Either way, all of this stuff, plus additional emails from other potential advisers, means that instead of being able to clear my mind and think about my research, which is taking some interesting branchings, I keep going in circles in my head thinking about other things, and staring at the computer screen, or my notebook, or papers.  None of which is helping to get anything actually done.  I realllly wish I could just skip all this BS and be able to spend time doing MY work and learning what is interesting to ME.  I'm tired of it already - stand back and let me do science!!!

Time to try again, sigh.

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